
Thank You!

We believe in a God who gives generously out of love, and as a church we follow his example. We give of our time and our finances.

The mission and vision of Pittwater Uniting Church is directly funded by the generosity of people like you. We exist so that all people can find new life in Christ and we would love for you to join us in that mission. We honour your gifts with faithful stewardship and accountability so that you can have full confidence in the financial integrity of PUC.

Tithes & Offerings


Other ways to give

Here are some easy ways to support our church.

Credit card
Credit card

You can authorise us to debit your credit card regularly or once. Fill in the white slip available in church or contact the office on 9997 2386.

Cash or Cheque
Cash or Cheque

Place cash or a cheque [payable to Pittwater Uniting Church] in the offering bag during Sunday worship.

Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit

You can give once or set up a regular payment [remember to check occasionally that it hasn’t expired]

Pittwater Uniting Church
BSB: 634634
Account: 100033902
Reference: Tithe 9.30am or Tithe 6pm